Spotting scopes are also used for hunting. This applies regardless of whether hunting is done in the lowlands or in the mountains. Which spotting scope is particularly suitable for hunting depends, of course, on the use case.
Nobody wants to carry a particularly heavy lens over long distances. Large objectives prove to be unsuitable in a narrow high stand. However, one thing can be stated across the board. When hunting, spotting scopes save the hunter a lot of walking. They are therefore a useful companion.
These benefits bring spotting scopes for hunting
- Spotting scopes make it possible to identify game over long distances
- Walking distances become obsolete
- The observed game is not or less disturbed
- High-quality spotting scopes (e.g. from Swarovski) allow a clear image even in low light (twilight).
Extendable spotting scope
For the mobile hunter, pull-out scopes are a suitable companion. Manufacturers such as Optolyth or Swarovski offer various models that the hunter can always carry with him.
With pull-out scopes, the most important thing to look for is workmanship. One of the disadvantages of pull-out spotting scopes is that it is hard to prevent dirt and moisture from entering the device over the years. Cheap products are usually sooner dirty and faster broken than higher-priced devices.

Spotting scopes for the high seat
Many hunters prefer spotting scopes on a raised hide, where the angled view is possible. This view allows targeting of game from a narrow space without further limiting the already mostly lacking comfort in the high stand.
However, many hunters find a spotting scope on the high seat too bulky and clunky. Transporting it up the ladder is also complicated. As an alternative, many hunters therefore decide to mount a spotting scope on their weapon. In the following video, the spotting scope from the manufacturer “Swarovski BTX” is discussed from the perspective of a hunter: